maandag 24 juli 2017

Give us our country back

Top Patrick Mejia comment on this u tube video

I'm sick of having to hear about the Jewish holocaust. I'm Native American and NO ONE in America EVER wants to talk about OUR holocaust that the American government did to us. I have to hear a bunch of Jews bitch about a event that took place in Eastern Europe by a German military and they DEMAND that I cry and express sympathy towards their feelings otherwise I'm a "anti-semite" but when I bring up the FACT that 18 MILLION Native Americans were systematically butchered by the U.S. government and on the very land we are standing on, they shrug it off as not being anything compared to what they've been through and ignore what us Natives went through. Why don't we have a museum in the U.S. to commemorate the holocaust that happened on U.S. soil? Six million Jews are said to have died by the Nazis and we say "Oh my God! How horrible!" but eighteen million Native Americans were slaughtered, our land stolen,our libraries containing our history destroyed and our books burned in order to destroy our identity,the false and disgusting stories that these pigs wrote about us and shamefully presented to the world as our "history",the families of our Kings and Queens annihilated so that at no time in the future can their descendants stake a legitimate claim back to their land (which rightfully belongs to us)...I can go on and on about what was done to us Native Americans and it is the SICKEST shit that was ever done to a people on earth. The U.S. government even wiped some of our tribes of the face of the earth! That's right! A whole culture does not exist today as a result of the American holocaust. No other nation or people has ever been so evil and heartless to commit such a crime against humanity...only the U.S. which perpetuates the suffering of the Jewish holocaust in this country to divert attention from the genocide they committed on this land we are living on.

So what about us? Where is our justice? Give us our country back. 

zaterdag 22 juli 2017

Simpele propaganda, Willy van Damme SJ

Kom ik een Nederlandstalige video tegen, stopte na enkele minuten omdat ik meende dat het propaganda is, gaat iemand reageren op mijn gezeik onder die video.

Ging die video weer draaien.
Dacht, zal toch eens kijken, misschien kan ik zien hoe de propaganda werkt. Blijkt dat er een Jezuïet in het gesprek zit! Wat men merkt aan zijn antisemitisme. Hij noemt George Bush een heilige, alsof die Willy van Damme een onschuldige katholiek zou zijn. George Bush werd door de Washington Post de eerste echte katholieke president genoemd.
Als je weet dat de Katholieken John F Kennedy hebben vermoord, dan is dat erg grappig.

Hier is dat artikel uit 2008, waar de quote vandaan komt.
A Catholic Wind in the White House
"...George W. Bush could well be the nation's first Catholic president."

In het interview op "verantwoordde Journalistiek", lol, noemt Willy van Damme juist die president een heilige. Maar wat zien we nog meer, hij schuift zijn hand over de leuningen van de stoel, alsof het penissen zijn. Ja, homo's, ik heb er genoeg van gezien. Een antisemitische homo. Ik zit niet te schelden hoor, ik ben em dankbaar voor de informatie. Hij kan hier reageren om zich tegen deze verdachtmakingen te verweren.

Willy van Damme zegt, dat Europa bestaat uit vazalstaten van de VS, maar hij gebruikte ook het woord kolonies. De Europese landen zijn een soort kolonies. Tsja, voor de argeloze professoren naast hem, die niet weten wat een reductie is, klinkt dat wel heel erg intellectueel natuurlijk. Het feit is namelijk, dat de Europese landen vazalstaten zijn voor de Jezuïeten, kolonies, reducties. Er sneuvelen geen Jezuïeten, want die werden verbannen uit Syrië vlak voordat de oorlog uit brak daar.

De Jezuïet Paolo Dall'Oglio SJ werd verbannen uit Syrië in 2012, voor de leiding die hij gaf aan een revolutie tegen de Assad regering. Paolo Dall'Oglio zou na zijn verbanning ontvoerd zijn geweest door zijn eigen militaire organisatie.

Ik wil bezoekers er op wijzen, dat veel Jezuïeten niet weten dat hun orde achter de moord op John F Kennedy zitten. Loyaal aan de roomse antichrist. De antichrist in Syrie en de Yazidi's daar die afstammen van de eerste christenen?

dinsdag 18 juli 2017

De Katholieken hebben de MH17 neergehaald.

Mijn onderbouwing voor de uitspraak is, ... ik hoop dat ik dit kort kan samenvatten ... dat Professor Willem Witteveen en Professor Joep Lange omgekomen zijn in de MH17.

Willem Witteveen was de nieuwe senator van Justitie. Dus die wist te veel, en zat in een lastige zetel van invloed. Zijn biografie wees uit, dat hij Cum Laude afstudeerde, zijn reputatie verdiende vanuit eerlijke wetenschap, dus dat hij op eerlijke manier geselecteerd is om senator van Justitie te worden.

Joep Lange was een HIV scepticus.
Nu ben ik geen medische deskundige, maar de term "HIV Scepticus" kan ik prima begrijpen, omdat ik bekend ben met veel corrupte zaken in de medische sector. Andere professoren trachtten corruptie rond Aids en HIV aan te tonen, maar kregen geen podium in de wetenschappelijke wereld, maar Joep Lange had dat wel.

Als precedent, is voor mij het gemakkelijkste de moord op Abraham Lincoln. En ook de vele moorden op dissidenten en "lastige" lieden door middel van vliegtuigrampen in de VS.

Er is uitstekend gedocumenteerd, dat Abraham Lincoln vermoord is door de Katholieken, ook al wordt dat geheim gehouden in het Nederlands onderwijs.
Hier een link:
Er zijn vele andere bronnen die de moord op Lincoln door de katholieken toelichten. Als je meer bronnen wil inzien, kan ik die geven.

De politieke situatie in de Oekraïne is, het blijkt dat het westen van de Oekraïne enige tijd deel was van het Habsburgse rijk, daar dus rooms katholiek is, terwijl Oekraïne verder Russische Orthodox is, ook al lang voordat ze een deel werden van de Sovjet Unie. De "Russische separatisten", Russisch Orthodox, zitten in het oosten van Oekraïne.

 Complimenten als je mijn gedachtegang nog kan volgen.

Als je nu niet begrijpt waarom ik onderbouwd beweer dat de katholieken er achter zitten, vertel me dan waarom juist de rooms katholieke minister Frans Timmermans, die ook in Rome studeerde, de presentatie deed bij de leugens. De katholieke politieke connecties gaan nog veel verder, want staatssecretaris van de Oekraïne Yatsenyuk had in 2014 vijf audiënties met de paus.

Nog vragen?

maandag 17 juli 2017

Is Adel nog van deze tijd?

Maud Oortwijn wierp op in haar blog, dat Adel niet meer van deze tijd is.
Een analyse.

Joden zeggen, dat als je moeder een Jood is, dat je jezelf dan Jood mag noemen.
Jezus de Jood had ook een Joodse moeder, de Jodin Maria, daarom was Jezus een Jood.
Ondanks het feit, dat de Vader van Jezus de Jood, geen Jood was.

Inmiddels wordt de valse beschuldiging rondworpen, dat de Bijbel een patriarchale cultuur is, wat dus volstrekt onjuist is. Want als de afkomst van je moeder bepalend is voor je identiteit, dan is de Bijbel evengoed een matriarchale traditie, vanwege de erfopvolging.

Misschien een slecht voorbeeld, want de term “patriarchaal” wordt gebezigd om de Bijbel in een slecht daglicht plaatsen, met leugens door de Contrareformatie en anderen. Maar het is diezelfde Contrareformatie, die meestal bepaald wat Adel is in Europa. Want protestantse Adel is meen ik toch al wel uitgemoord in de 17de eeuw. Iemand die Maxima Zorrugieta aantrekkelijk vindt, dat is toch wel een totale Katholiek. Hun huwelijk werd een oecumenisch huwelijk genoemd, maar de eerste concilies voor de oprichting van de katholieke kerk waren oecumenische concilies. Er is geen verschil van betekenis, tussen het woord oecumenisch en rooms katholiek.

Adel in Europa is ingesteld, aldus de geschiedenis die mij werd gedoceerd aan het Nederlands onderwijs, door Karel de Grote. Ik betwijfel of dat juist is, want men kan niet bewijzen dat Karel de Grote wel ooit heeft bestaan.
Maar wat ze dan vertelden was, dat Karel de Grote gauwgraven aanstelde, over de provincies in zijn Ceasarrijk. Adel was dus een ambtelijk titel. En voor zover is dat kan overzien, is dat nog steeds zo. Gister hoorde ik een interview met Frits Bolkenstein, hij praat met een aardappel in zijn mond, zoals de Oranjes en andere Adel in Nederland, er zitten veel hogere ambtenaren in zijn familie.

De Adel in Nederland in de 16de eeuw was zo arm, dat Margaretha van Parma hen Les Geuix noemde, die bedelaars. Dat werd een erenaam voor protestantse adel, zoals we allemaal weten in Nederland. De Bijbel had erg grote invloed in de 16de eeuw, dankzij Desiderius Erasmus, want niemand hier kende voorheen de inhoud van de Bijbel. Rembrandt van Rijn tekende een geus, en oorspronkelijk was dat Adel die al haar rijkdommen aan de armen had geschonken, zoals Jezus de Jood dat leerde te doen. Ook Willem de Zwijger schonk zijn gehele fortuin aan De Geuzen, en binnen 2 maanden was hij er doorheen, zodat de mannen moesten bedelen om te overleven.

Na deze analyse moet ik vaststellen, dat de “Adel” waar Maud aan refereert in haar artikel, de katholieke Adel is. Katholieke Adel leest geen Bijbel, maar katholieke Adel heeft Jezuïeten als Biechtvaders en laat al haar kinderen opleiden door de jezuïeten. Een bekende jezuïet aan het hof van Koningin Beatrix, Hub Oosterhuis SJ, kreeg de bijnaam, de Amsterdamse paus. Koningin Beatrix is dus een papiste, net als haar zoon.

Een andere aanwijzing dat we hier spreken over katholieke Adel, is de geschiedenis van de strop——-das. De stropdas is oorspronkelijke folklore uit het meest katholieke land van Europa, Kroatië. Onder Lodewijk XIV van Frankrijk, wonnen de Kroaten een slag tegen het Ottomaanse rijk, waar Lodewijk XIV zo dankbaar voor was, dat hij de Kroatische folklore, een zijden lap om de hals, instelde als mode voor katholieke Adel. Het dragen van een stropdas is nog steeds de mode voor katholieke Adel, men herkend katholieken zelfs aan een stropdas op zondag, of in katholieke bedrijven en diensten.

Mensen die menen dat Ierland katholieker is dan Kroatië, zijn slecht geïnformeerd.
Er is mij namelijk geen geval bekend, waar Ierse voetbalsupporters de Hitlergroet maken, terwijl dit door Kroatische voetbal supporters regelmatig gebeurd. Deze “sieg heil” is een roomse groet, die ook door de Romeinen werd gebezigd. Adolf Hitler was een rooms katholiek tot aan zijn dood. Natuurlijk was er in Ierland meer sympathie voor de nazi’s dan in Engeland of Schotland, er zijn ook nazi’s kunnen onderduiken in Ierland na de Tweede Wereld Oorlog, maar Ierland had geen eigen helse Inquisitie thugs, zoals de oestashie in Kroatië indertijd.

Mocht de lezer willen geloven dat lieden zoals minister Piet Hein Donner, die altijd een strop—–das draagt, geen katholiek zou zijn, dan refereer ik terug naar oecumene = rooms. Want heer Donner is ouderling in een oecumenische PKN kerk. Ook “zondag” als “kerk”, zijn woorden die niet in de bijbel te vinden zijn. Als u dat niet gelooft, hier een zoekmachien om “zondag” en “kerk” in een Bijbel op te sporen.

Is katholieke Adel niet meer van deze tijd?
Ik tel de stropdassen, er kwamen er zelfs meer bij in de politiek afgelopen jaren.
Elke stropdas drager is katholieke Adel, of ambieert dat te zijn.

vrijdag 14 juli 2017

Some dude on the evil machinations of popery

Comment made under this video:

Yep, James Corbett is a Jesuit.
For more proof, just check this attack on Zionism on his channel, that he made recently.

I am also a Zionist, and very thankful you help us out bro.
Not Jewish though, although I wouldn't mind.
I'm just in appreciation towards Jesus the Jew and His people.

The battle between Jews and Catholics that animated Western Culture?
Okay, Hitler was a Roman Catholic, Jews where in gas chambers!
This Dr. Karlstrom is a filthy boy buggering Jesuit, that's obvious to any one.

I may add to that research, if you don't know already, that Kurt Waldheim was a Jew that helped to persecute Jews for the Catholics in Europe under Hitler.
He became the UN chief.

Eric Jon Phelps beats you on the CIA though.
He always names it, Catholics in Action, and not intelligent as you do. Betraying your country, while believing you serve your country, is not very intelligent. But lots of action.

Holland and Japan banned popery from their land for 200 years. From about 1600's to 1800 AD, Catholicism was illegal in those two countries. Will USA also come to its senses? The only thing left of this tradition, is the British Parliament, where for as far as I know, still no Roman Catholic is allowed. Tony Blair had to resign from office, before being able to be baptized into popery. But there are Dutch and Japanese papists again. Where we really freed in 1945? If Catholics still are able to occupy their once most feared enemy, the Dutch Republic? Can't be repaired, the Jesuits burned all our laws and rules! By Jan Roothaan, who was rewarded to become the Jesuit General. The one that ruled Pater de Smet.

Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Francesco Franco, Aloysius Stepinac, they where Catholics first and only later Nazi's, Fascists, Falangists, Ustasha.

woensdag 12 juli 2017

Return of Zeus on the Jesuit Order

Comment found under this Youtube video:

The Holy See is the All Seeing Eye on the dollar bill as the Vatican prints the dollar and owns the United States federal corporation a continuation of Virginia Company owned by the British Crown which has been owned by the Papacy since 1213. Washington DC is Roman architecture and Capitol Hill is based on Capitoline Hill in Rome. The Roman fasces symbol is all over federal buildings and seals. Fascism derives from fasces and means a centralization of power just as the US federal agencies regulate everything. The Catholic Encyclopedia states that DC was called Rome in 1669 and the land was owned by Roman Catholic families. The Pentagon is based on the Farnese pentagonal fortress in Italy the same family that established the Society of Jesus or Jesuits through the Papal Bull; Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae under Pope Paul III or Alessandro Farnese. Jesuit alumni disproportionately dominate leadership positions in US military and intelligence with the past five CIA Directors all Jesuit educated. The Farnese family married into the Spanish Bourbons creating the Bourbon-Parma line which is Spanish and Dutch royalty today.

The District of Columbia is named after Christopher Columbus who was Roman Catholic and born in Genoa. Columbus was related to the Colonna Papal nobility who descend from Peter de Columna which is where the Columbus name comes from. This is why the Colonna family has a column on their coat of arms and they manage the Vatican to this day as the Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne. They also control the Colombo crime family in New York. The Doria family of Genoa funded Christopher Columbus and married into the Colonna's creating the Colonna-Doria family and also married into the Pamphilj Papal nobility forming the Doria-Pamphilj-Landi family who have a palace in Rome today. The Doria family are related to the House of Grimaldi which rules Monaco and also have Spanish and Portuguese noble lines. The Doria family were the wealthiest family in Genoa and Genovese is a surname for someone from Genoa and it is this family which controls the Genovese crime family of New York. It is estimated that the five families earn 50-90 billion per year. The Roman nobility all have Swiss bank accounts so it is not surprising that the Swiss Guard protects the Vatican today or that UBS bank uses the papal keys as their logo or that the papal keys are also on the flag of Geneva.

 The Colonna family also claims to descend from the Julio-Claudian family of ancient Rome and does descend from the Counts of Tusculum which produced 6 popes around 1000 AD and members took the name Ptolemy; as they also likely descend from the Greco-Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty which ruled Egypt until the Julio-Claudian family conquered them. The Massimo family claims to be the ancient Maximi family of Rome and are considered the oldest nobility in Europe which also produced 2 popes. The Massimo family are married into many royal families and also the House of Osorio of Galicia the same place the second wealthiest billionaire in the world Amancio Ortega lives and owns Inditex the largest fashion company in the world headquartered in Galicia, Spain. Massimo Dutti is the name of one of the major store chains for Inditex. The Massimo family is also married into the Lancellotti family of Italy who formed the Breakspears of England as Breakspear is English for Lance-rotti another variation of their name. Rotti means to break and lance is a spear and this family is the source for Lancelot in British mythology and Nicholas Breakspear was the only English pope in history and this family is still influential today all throughout the former British empire.

 The Borghese papal family still reside in Rome today and they created the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 under Pope Paul V or Camillo Borghese and this bank merged with Banca di Roma which later became Capitalia and merged with UniCredit which merged with Santander which merged assets with Warburg Pincus and General Atlantic through Pioneer Investments. The Borghese family use a dragon on their coat of arms and the Italian word for dragon is drago similar to Draghi for Mario Draghi who was born in Rome and is the current President of the European Central bank and board member of the Bank for International Settlements and member of the Group of Thirty. Draghi was also Italian Executive Director at the World Bank, Goldman Sachs exec and is a board member for the Asian Development Bank. Peter Sutherland is a Roman Catholic and papal knight of the Order of St Gregory and is Director General of the World Trade Organisation and former Chairman of Goldman Sachs International, Chairman of Allied Irish Banks, and was director of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Sutherland is also a member of Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.

 Edward L. Hennessy, Jr. was the financial advisor to the Vatican, director of Lockheed Martin, Traveler’s Insurance Company, Automatic Data Processing, New York Stock Exchange, Union Texas Petroleum Corporation, the United Way of Tri-State, the Coast Guard Academy Foundation, Inc., DNA Plant Technology Corporation, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the United States Export and Import Bank, and is a Knight of St. Gregory, Knight of Malta, and Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher. Geoffrey T. Boisi is a Knight of Malta and was vice chairman of JPMorgan Chase, was senior general partner of Goldman Sachs, member of the international advisory board of Grupo Santander member of the investment banking committee, American Stock Exchange; member of the board of directors of Freddie Mac and trustee of the Papal Foundation. William Joseph McDonough was vice chairman at Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, board of directors of the Bank for International Settlements and as chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, member of the Group of Thirty, director for the CFR and is also Jesuit educated from Georgetown. Edward Gerald Corrigan was President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, managing director in the Office of the Chairman at Goldman Sachs, member of the Group of Thirty, Chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, former Director of the CFR, and Jesuit educated from Fordham and Fairfield and has donated 5 million to both Jesuit universities.

Most of the heads of royal houses are members of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta which is stationed in Rome and considered sovereign under International Law which includes Queen Elizabeth II as head of the Order of St John, Juan Carlos of Spain, Henri the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Philippe of Belgium, Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Naples, Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, Beatrix of the Netherlands etc as they gain their sovereignty as equestrians under the Pope of Rome the modern day Caesar. Most of the Monarchs today hold just as much power in their nations as the President of US has while being blood appointed. William Donovan was a Knight of Malta and founded the CIA. Italy's fascist dictator Benito Mussolini was a Knight of Malta and established the Vatican as a sovereign nation in 1929 through the Lateran Treaty. Franz von Papen the vice chancellor of Nazi Germany, was a Knight of Malta and signed the peace agreement with the Vatican in 1933 and it was in the Vatican where they planned and assisted the fascists and nazis in escaping after WWII through the ratlines.

Second comment:

The Jesuit Order is Roman intelligence controlled by the Massimo family from the Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome. Mario Draghi was born in Rome and went to the Massimo Institute and is the President of the European Central Bank, former Goldman sachs executive, and is a director at the Bank for International Settlements. The Massimo family claim to be the Fabii-Maximi dynasty which were known for using the scorched earth military tactic. The Roman Caesar used the title of Pontifex Maximus which means the "Greatest Bridge Builder" The Massimo's recently married into the House of Osorio of Galicia Spain where Amancio Ortega "the second wealthiest billionaire in the world" lives and owns Inditex the largest fashion company in the world headquartered in Galicia with a major store chain called Massimo Dutti. The Massimo family rule over Caelian Hill in Rome which represents corporate land ownership and the foundation.

The House of Farnese established the Jesuits as a military order through the papal bull; Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae. The Farnese family lived in a pentagonal fortress called the Farnese Villa Caprarola in Italy. The leader of the Jesuits is called the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Jesuit alumni dominate leadership positions in US military and intelligence as well as politics and law. The Massimo family has intermarried with branches of the House of Bourbon. The Farnese bloodline are intermarried with the House of Bourbon of Spain as well. The Bourbon King of Spain holds the title of King of Jerusalem today as well as most of the monarchical titles in Italy. The House of Bourbon rule over Vaticano Hill.

The princely House of Massimo is historically one of the great aristocratic families of Rome, renowned for its influence on the politics, the church and the artistic heritage of the city.

 The Massimo family is sometimes referred to as one of the oldest noble families in Europe. According to the Augustine historian Onofrio Panvinio (1529-1568) in his work "De gente Maxima" of 1556, the family descends in the male line from the ancient Gens Fabia or "Maximi" of republican Rome and from Quintus Fabius Maximus (c. 275 BC – 203 BC)

in 1989, Carlo Massimo, 6th Prince di Arsoli (born 1942) married Doña Elisa OSORIO de Moscoso y Estagna (born 1946)

The House of Osorio is a Spanish noble lineage of the Crown of Castile, native to the Kingdom of GALICIA

Amancio Ortega Gaona (Spanish pronunciation: [aˈmanθjo orˈteɣa ɣaˈona]; born 28 March 1936) is a Spanish business magnate. He is the founder and chairman of the INDITEX fashion group

He is currently the second richest person in the world with a total net worth of US$76.5 billion as of August 2016.[2]

Industria de Diseño Textil, S.A. (Inditex) (/ˌɪndɪˈtɛks/, Spanish: [indiˈteks]; Textile Design Industries) is a Spanish multinational clothing company headquartered in Arteixo, GALICIA.[3]

Inditex, the BIGGEST fashion group in the world, operates over 7,000 stores in 91 markets worldwide.[4][2][5] The company's flagship store is Zara, but it also owns the chains Zara Home, MASSIMO Dutti, Bershka, Oysho, Pull and Bear, Stradivarius and Uterqüe.

The Massimiliano Massimo Institute (Istituto Massimiliano Massimo) is a Jesuit school in Rome. It is considered one of the most prestigious and exclusive school in Rome.

 Mario Draghi OMRI (Italian pronunciation: [ˈmaːrjo ˈdraːɡi]; born 3 September 1947) is an Italian economist, manager and banker who succeeded Jean-Claude Trichet as the President of the European Central Bank on 1 November 2011.

 He was born in Rome.

He studied at the Massimiliano Massimo Institute[2]

The Farnese family is an influential family in Renaissance Italy. The titles of Duke of Parma and Piacenza and Duke of Castro were held by various members of the family. The JESUITS were created by the Papal Bloodline Farnese during the reign of Farnese Pope Paul III.

The Villa Farnese, also known as Villa Caprarola

The PENTAGONAL fortress foundations, constructed probably between 1515 and 1530,[2]

Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (Latin for To the Government of the Church MILITANT) was the papal bull promulga

ted by Pope Paul III on September 27, 1540, which gave a first approval to the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits

The Superior GENERAL of the Society of Jesus is the official title of the leader of the Society of Jesus—the Roman Catholic religious order, also known as the Jesuits.

Elisabeth Farnese (Italian: Elisabetta Farnese, Spanish: Isabel de Farnesio; 25 October 1692 – 11 July 1766) was Queen of Spain as the wife of King Philip V.

His Catholic Majesty, the King of Spain [the Spanish], King of Castile, of León, of Aragon, of the Two Sicilies, of JERUSALEM

Deepseek R1

Last week, a new AI language model, generated in China, would hit the AI research community. About a week after President Donald Trump cla...